Order PI
«Economic management
and budget planning of
Karaganda region»
from «03» July 2018 year
№ 131


Municipal state institution «Kogamdyk kelisim» of akim apparatus of Karaganda region

1. Generalities

1. Municipal state institution «Kogamdyk kelisim» of akim of Karaganda region (next – government Agency) is a nonprofit organization, having the status of a legal entity, established in the organizational and legal form of the state institution for  implementation of functions to ensure the activities of the regional Assembly of people of Kazakhstan (further - the Assembly) and carrying out its activities.
2. Type of state institution: municipal.
3. The state institution was established in accordance with the resolution of the akimat of Karaganda region from 18 august 2014 year №43/08 « About creation of municipal public institution «Kogamdyk kelisim» of the apparatus of akim of Karaganda region ».
4. The founder of the state institution is the akimat of Karaganda region.
5Authorized body in relation to the state institution is a state institution " Akim apparatus of  Karaganda region (further – authorized body)
6. Full name of the state institution: Municipal state institution «Kogamdyk kelisim» of akim apparatus of Karaganda region; abbreviated: MSI « Kogamdyk kelisim ».
7. Location of the state institution: zip code: 100000, Karaganda city, prospect Miners, 64.

2. Legal status of a public institution

8. A state institution is considered to be established and acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration.
9. The state institution has its own balance sheet, Bank accounts in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, forms, seals with the image of the state Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the name of the state institution.
10. A public institution may not establish, and also act as a founder (participant) and also act as the founder of another legal entity.
11. The state institution is responsible for its obligations, the money at his disposal.
In case of insufficiency of a state institution of money subsidiary liability, the akimat of Karaganda region is responsible for its obligations by means of the relevant budget.
12. Civil law transactions concluded by a public institution, enter into force after their mandatory registration in the territorial units of the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. The object and purpose of the activities of state agencies

13. The state institution is the Executive body of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan region.
14.  The purpose of the Executive body of the Assembly of the region is to create an effective system of organizational, financial, logistical and other support for the functioning of the regional Assembly.
15. The subject of the activities of the state institution are:
1) assistance in the development and implementation of state policy to ensure social harmony and national unity;
2) promotion of Kazakhstan patriotism;
3) promoting the development of the state language and other languages of the people of Kazakhstan;
4) participation in the development and implementation of plans and activities in the field of demography and migration;
5) popularization of Kazakhstan's model of social harmony and national unity in the country and abroad;
6) implementation of educational and publishing activities aimed at strengthening social cohesion and national unity;
7) monitoring of the sphere of interethnic relations, including the use of the state language and other languages of the people of Kazakhstan;
8) participation in the socio-political examination of draft laws on state policy in the field of public consent and national unity;
9) development of recommendations and implementation of practical measures to resolve disagreements and disputes, prevention of conflict situations in the sphere of inter-ethnic relations and participation in their resolution;
     10) methodological, organizational and legal assistance to ethno-cultural public associations;
     11) seminars, conferences and other activities, ensuring the dialogue of state bodies and public associations on issues of social harmony and national unity;
     12) interaction with state bodies, organizations, civil society institutions and international organizations to strengthen social cohesion and national unity;
     13) assisting in the development of philanthropy, mediation in the field of social harmony and national unity;
     14) assistance in the development of relations between ethnic groups of Kazakhstan and their historical homeland;
     15) other activities to strengthen social cohesion and national unity, which does not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
16. Transaction made by a public institution in conflict with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan or constituent documents, or in violation of the statutory competence of the Director, may be declared invalid at the request of the authorized body or the authorized body for state property or the Prosecutor.
17. Actions of the head of the state institution, aimed at the implementation of the state institution of non-statutory activities are a violation of labor duties and entail the application of disciplinary measures and liability. 
4. Management of public institution

18. General management of the state institution is carried out by the state institution " Akim apparatus of  Karaganda region ".
19. Akim apparatus of  Karaganda region:
1) makes the decision on creation, reorganization and liquidation of municipal public institution;
20. Public institution «Department of economy and budget planning of Karaganda region» in the order established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan performs the following functions:
1) secures the property to the state institution;
2) approves the Charter of the state institution, amendments and additions to it;
3) gives consent to the establishment of branches and representative offices by a state institution.
21. PI " Akim apparatus of  Karaganda region " in agreement with the Secretariat of the Assembly of the region
1) approves the individual financing plan of the state institution;
2) exercises control over the safety of the property of the state institution;
3) defines the structure, procedure for the formation and term of office of the management bodies of the state institution, the order of decision-making by the state institution;
4) defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the head of the state institution, the grounds and dismissal from his post;
5) approves the structure, maximum staffing and staffing of the state institution;
6) approves annual financial statements;
7) gives consent to the state institution "Department of economy and budget planning of Karaganda region» on withdrawal or redistribution of the property transferred to state institution or acquired by it as a result of own economic activity;
8) in coordination with the state institution "Department of economy and budget planning of Karaganda region» carries out procedures of reorganization and liquidation of the municipal state institution;
9) performs other functions established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
22The Director of the state institution is appointed to the and dismissed by agreement with the Secretariat of the Assembly of the region in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
23. The Director of the state institution organizes and manages the work of the state institution, directly subordinated to the state institution " Apparatus of akim of Karaganda region» (except for the cases established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and personally responsible for the performance of the tasks assigned to the state institution and the exercise of its functions.
The Director of the state institution is obliged to take measures to combat corruption, and shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of this obligation established by law.
24. The Director of the state institution acts on the principles of unity of command and independently solves the issues of the state institution in accordance with its competence, determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Charter.
25. When carrying out activities of a state institution, the Director of the state institution in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) without a power of attorney acts on behalf of a public institution;
2) represents the interests of a state institution in state bodies and other organizations;
3) conclude a contract
4) issues powers of attorney;
5) approves the order and plans of the state institution on business trips, internships, training of employees in Kazakhstan and foreign training centers and other types of staff training;
6) opening a Bank account;
7) issues orders and gives instructions binding on all employees;
8) in agreement with the state institution «Apparatus of akim of Karaganda region»» and the Secretariat of the Assembly of the region appoints its Deputy and other senior officials of the state institution;
9) Accepts at work and dismisses employees of a public institution, in addition to the staff appointed and dismissed in agreement with the state institution " Apparatus of akim of Karaganda region " and the Secretariat of the Assembly region;
10) applies measures of encouragement and imposes disciplinary recovery on employees of the state institutions in order, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
11) provides monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports, prepares proposals to improve the activities of public institutions;
12) requests from the organizations, sources of acquisition of public institution, necessary information on matters within its competence;
13) defines the duties and terms of reference of his Deputy and other senior officials of the state institution;
14) performs other functions assigned to it by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan 
5. Order of formation of property of public institution

26. The property of a state institution is formed at the expense of the property, transferred by the owner, and consists of fixed assets and working capital, as well as other property, the value of which is reflected in the balance sheet of the state institution.
27. The state institution shall not be entitled to alienate or otherwise dispose of the property assigned to it.
28. If the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan provide the state institution with the right to carry out activities, income-generating, the money received from such activities shall be credited to the relevant budget.
29. The activity of the state institution is financed from the regional budget.
30. The state institution maintains accounting records and reports in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
31. Inspection and audit of financial and economic activities of a state institution shall be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. Regime of work in the state institution

32. The mode of operation of the state institution is established by the rules of internal labor regulations and should not contradict the norms of the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 
7. The procedure for making changes and additions to the constituent documents of the state institution 
33. Amendments and additions to the constituent documents of the state institution shall be made by the decision of the state institution « Department of economy and budget planning of the Karaganda region» on the proposal of the state institution " Apparatus of akim of Karaganda region".
34. Amendments and additions to the constituent documents of a state institution shall be registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8.   Conditions of reorganization and liquidation of a state institution 
35. Reorganization and liquidation of a state institution shall be carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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2015 КГУ «Қоғамдық келісім» Управления внутренней политики Карагандинской области
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